Board Members — Aspetuck Land Trust

Board of Directors

Aspetuck Land Trust is managed by a Board of Directors and its day-to-day operations are managed by an Executive Director, staff, and volunteers. The Board consists of no fewer than eleven and no more than twenty-five Directors and the Executive Director. Board members are elected to 3-year terms. The current slate of board members is listed below:




Significant Volunteers



Historical Board Members

Ken Bernhard

Theresa Brasco

Grayson Braun

Kirby Brendsel

Lisa Brodlie

Gail Bromer

Celia Campbell-Mohn

Letitia Carter

Maria Dempsey

Aili Dibonaventura

Roy Dickinson

Tom Failla

Princie Falkenhagen

Jeff Galdenzi

Alan Goldbecker

Stephan Grozinger

Raphael ‘Raph’ Hodgson

Don Hyman

Tom Johnson

Chris Kerin

William ‘Bill’ J. Kupinse Jr.

Bruce LePage

John ‘Jack’ Light, III

Jacquie Littlejohn

Samuel ‘Bud’ Martin

Bob McHugh

Nancy Moon

Melissa ‘Lissy’ Newman

Peter Oldershaw

Paul Van Orden

Richard ‘Dick’ Ritzel

George Sterling

David Storrs

Christopher Thomas

Jonathan Wagner

Cynthia ‘Cynny’ Williams

Heather Williams


Honorary Directors

John C. Clark

Barlow Cutler-Wotton

Ruth Glendinning

Robert Larsen

Bruce LePage

Edith D. Moore

Charles ‘Charlie’ S. Putnam

Frances Snyder