Campaign for the Green Corridor — Aspetuck Land Trust


Contact Information

Billing Address

Payment Information

Additional Information

Increase My Impact

Case for Support

If you have any questions about the Campaign for the Green Corridor, you may contact Kim Craig or Shaina Meyer.


$2,500+ donors will be added to our donor wall in the Annual Report. All donors are recognized on the website.

We are accepting multi-year pledges, up to 5 years. To make a pledge (ex. $5,000 over 5 years), complete our pledge form here, or contact Kim Craig at


For a gift of cash, a check can be made out to
Aspetuck Land Trust, Inc. and mailed to:

Aspetuck Land Trust, Inc.
PO Box 444, Westport, CT 06881

To wire your cash gift:
Please email Kim Craig at for details.

To transfer a gift of stocks or securities:
Please email Kim Craig, Director of Development at for details.