Native Garden Plans — Aspetuck Land Trust

Here are detailed garden plans and every plant you’ll need to have a beautiful native garden in a variation of sizes, sun types, and soil types – find the perfect garden plan for your yard!

Cottage Ecotype Garden Plan 8’ x 14’

Light: full sun
Soil: prefers wet

Looking for a garden that will remind you of an English Country Garden with purple, yellow and a touch of white flowers? These plants don’t like it dry so make sure the hose reaches to keep them medium-moist but they like the sun… just like a cottage garden should! 8 great species in this garden. Learn more


Sunny / Rain Garden Plan 5’ x 8’

Light: full sun
Soil: prefers wet

These plants will happily sop up the rainwater and filter it, better than a Brita! For that area where the rain runs off the driveway or comes down from the gutter and you don’t know what to plant there. Learn more


Happy Medium - Part Sun Garden Plan 7’ x 9’

Light: adaptable
Soil: adaptable

A garden for that place that lives in that perfect zone in the middle...half-day sun/half-day shade and soil that is neither too wet nor too parched. 6 colorful species in this garden. Learn more


Mailbox Native Garden Plan 4’ x 4’

Light: full sun
Soil: prefers wet

Plant your own 4’ x 4’ garden! A perfect fit with our Green Corridor Partner mailbox sign! Does well in a sunny and moist location. Learn more


Moist / Sun Garden Plan 7’ x 9’

Light: full sun
Soil: prefers wet

A 7’ x 9’ garden for a moist and sunny area of your property, perhaps lakeside, streamside, or wet sunny low-lying area. A mix of purples, gold, yellow, pinks, and purple...they grow together in nature so they go together in your garden. Learn more


Native Pollinator Garden Plan 5’ x 10’

Light: full sun
Soil: prefers wet

The Pollinator’s Basic - plant your own 5ʼ x 10ʼ garden! Does well in a sunny and moist location. Learn more


Full Sun / Dry Soil Garden Plan 7’ x 9’

Light: full sun
Soil: prefers dry, gravelly, sandy

A 7’ x 9’ garden for those hot and dry sites on your landscape. A mix of yellows, oranges, white, and pale purple that will attract tons of pollinators to your yard with a succession of blooms! Learn more


Part Sun / Dry-Medium Soil Garden Plan 7’ x 9’

Light: part sun to shade
dry to medium

A 7’ x 9’ garden for that place that lives in that perfect zone in the middle...half-day sun/half-day shade and soil that is neither too wet nor too know what we mean. Learn more