Invasive Species Removal Work Day — Aspetuck Land Trust
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Invasive Species Removal Work Day

  • Trout Brook Valley/Crow Hill Preserve 82 Wells Hill Rd Easton, CT, 06612 United States (map)


Please join ALT and volunteer to help remove invasives on our preserves and learn to remove them from your own property.

There will be an invasive work session on the morning of Saturday, Aug. 17th (9:30-11-30am) weather permitting. We'll meet at the Wells Hill Rd parking lot of TBV/Crow Hill Preserve. You should dress for the task at hand including gloves, sturdy footwear, and long sleeves & pants. Bring pruners, loppers, pruning saws, and herbicide applicators if you have been issued one. We will have some additional herbicide applicators available for those who need them. Please RSVP HERE.

Invasive plants are non-native species, and because they have not evolved in their new habitat, they lack natural methods of control. This allows them to spread aggressively, rapidly, and widely. They harm the natural environment by crowding out native species and reducing biodiversity. They deprive birds, butterflies and other animals of habitat and forage. Many birds, butterflies, insects, and amphibians depend on specific plant species to survive.

If you are interested in Invasive Species Removal and are not currently part of the group, please fill out the volunteer form here. We will be in touch with details and add you to the communication list for these events. Thank you!