Aspetuck Land Trust

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Avenza Mapping Workshop

On Saturday January 22nd, 19 intrepid staff and volunteers assembled at the Trout Brook Valley preserve in Weston and braved the 13 degree temperature to take part in an Avenza mapping workshop.

CT Western Region Service Forester David Beers provided instruction on this mobile mapping software and led attendees through a series of exercises designed to familiarize them with various utilities for location and tracking, measuring distances and areas, and plotting photos. The app will be especially helpful to our Trail Stewards who flag areas in the preserves that need attention and to our Invasive Team for locating and mapping areas that need treatment. Thank you David Beers!

If you are interested in volunteering, like the land stewards and invasive team members who came to this workshop, just CLICK HERE, fill out the brief form, and Joan Byrne will get right back to you.

Thank you in advance for helping us maintain our preserves and open spaces!