Fishing — Aspetuck Land Trust



Aspetuck Land Trust offers great fishing for everyone.  Anglers can fish for native Brook Trout at our Class 1 Wild Trout Management Area (WTMA) stream in the Mill River at Warner Anglers Preserve in Easton or cast for bass and bluegills at our Butkus Pond Preserve in Fairfield.  Both are catch and release only.  For additional fishing regulations refer to CT DEEP website.

Fishing in CT requries a permit.  For more information on fishing rules and regulations from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, click here.

Trout Fisherman should be aware of the Nutmeg Chapter of Trout Unlimited.

Trout fishing is possible in the preserves listed below.

Weston: Trout Brook Valley

Weston: Walter Wagner Preserve

Weston: Lillian Squires Morton Preserve

Weston: Taylor Woods Preserve

Fairfield: Aspetuck River Access

Fairfield: Butkus Pond Preserve

Easton: Abbey Lane Fishing Pond

Easton: Warner Anglers Preserve

Easton: Island Pond Preserve