Lillian Squires Morton Preserve — Aspetuck Land Trust

Lillian Squires Morton Preserve

About the Lillian Squires Morton Preserve
An open space gem thats at its best on a sunny day. The grassy path follows the perimeter of the preserve, which once was a pasture, a land improvement made by many early settlers, who cleared trees and rocks for a chance to raise something. The small pond (now home to a large snapping turtle) was a source of water for grazing livestock. A trail spur connects to the Freeborn Walk Trail which runs all the way to Old Redding Road and the Trout Brook Valley Preserve.

Morton Pond.jpg

Historical Note
Weston's soil is mostly a mix of sands and silts, mica, quartzite and granite gneisses, and on average, only about 17 inches deep, a soil best suited to growing timothy, other pasturage grasses, and onions, a major cash crop in the mid-nineteenth century.

Trail Stewards

Directions & Parking
North on Lyons Plain Road; at 3-way stop, bear left onto Valley Forge Road; about a mile and a half from the intersection, turn right on Bradley Road. Trail entrance is on the right. Park along the road.

Where is it?

8 Bradley Hill Road
Weston, CT 06883